
Mini-conference. Save the World with Kelp!

Wasn’t it great to have a group of 77 people of different professional engagements but same shared passion for the wellbeing of our ocean? 

We are grateful to our speakers who found time to make enlightening presentations and share their ideas, achievements, and plans: Andrew Gracey, USC; Marc von Keitz, Grantham Foundation; Terry Tamminen, AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles; Charles Yarish, Green Wave / WHOI; Jang Kim, Incheon University; Eliza Harrison, Ocean Rainforest; Fraser Stobie, Pacific6; Michael Marty-Rivera, AltaSeads Conservancy; Maddelyn Harden, USC; Keren Bolter, Deltares; Randy Lovell, CDFW; Hayden Schneider, AltaSeads Conservancy / AltaSea; Gary Molano, USC; Victoria Piunova, Loliware; Kevin Gaines, Baja Naturals.

Special thanks for all who reached their hand in arranging chairs, posters, appetizers; for guests greeting and registrations; for overseeing the event: Bernadeth Tolentino, Brandon Vong, Gary Molano, Jerick Galindez, Kelly Deweese, Maddelyn Harden, Maxim Kovalyov, Quinn Fagersten, Shahdad Sheybani, Shirzad Sheybani, and others.

We thank University of Southern California for providing space for this Meet-and-Greet event and 12Tides for providing kelp-based and surprisingly tasty snacks.

We sincerely hope that you enjoyed the engaging talks, learned something new and made new connections that will develop into new collaborations.
