
We thank Aperture Pet & Life for their generous in-kind donation to our organization.

We thank Aperture Pet & Life for their generous in-kind donation to our organization. These LED lights and fixtures will support our whole aquaculture system for several years. This means that they will deliver the right kind of illumination to our indoor nurtured kelps throughout kelps life cycle for several generations.

It is not easy to grow seaweed indoors. Like every lifeform, whether it is an apple tree in your garden or a dog on your couch or a giant kelp near your seashore it requires specific nutrients and environment. As it is for plants, light is a necessary source of energy for kelps. But think about seaweed that lives submerged in the sea where sun rays penetrate only partially.

Aperture Pet & Life engineered these lights in a way that we can get the most appropriate light spectrum and intensity for growth. This is why this lighting system of Aperture Pet & Life is so important to us.

Thank you, Aperture Pet & Life !
